Budgets Are Not Written In Stone

Budgets Are Not Written In Stone

In businesses across the nation, expense reductions—whether in travel, staff, or training and development—are becoming the norm. These ongoing waves of cuts often leave executives feeling handcuffed, frustrated, overworked, and drowning in their responsibilities. But...
Disastrous Career Misperceptions

Disastrous Career Misperceptions

Let’s get something straight. It may not be your company holding you back. Rather, your belief about how career advancement transpires in companies today may be the real issue. When working with executives, I’m shocked at how many wrong concepts they have about...
Maximize Your Virtual Meeting Impact

Maximize Your Virtual Meeting Impact

Remember those carefree days of Zooming the freeways with a smile on your face, top-down, wind in your hair, and off on some grand adventure? Nowadays, the word Zoom elicits more of a tired sigh than a sense of adventure. We’re all in the same boat—virtual meetings...
What Label Are You Wearing?

What Label Are You Wearing?

Sometimes we get buried in the labels others have assigned us—or even the ones we’ve consigned to ourselves. Why is this a bad thing? Labels are much like a lake at night, with the moon rippling and glistening in all its beauty. But that descriptor only embodies a...