Nancy Fredericks
The Thrive BlogThrive@Work with Nancy

Forget PIVOT—It’s Time to FIRE UP!
57.65 percent of adults are considering career PIVOTS.* It’s today’s marketplace buzzword. Frankly, I’ve come to hate it. Haven’t you? It promises much but delivers little. When I hear PIVOT, I envision a basketball...

🌟 Your 2025 Career Breakthroughs: FREE Executive MasterMind Summit!
A new year often brings new challenges and new goals. If you’re starting to struggle with this, there’s an option to help you tackle it head-on! I’m offering a free small-group, 90-minute Executive MasterMind Summit...

Thank You Advisorpedia!
I am honored and appreciate Advisorpedia re-posting one of my blogs. Click the title to read... "The Silent Gap: Navigating Gender-Based Communication Challenges." I'd love to hear your comments on this post....

Budgets Are Not Written In Stone
In businesses across the nation, expense reductions—whether in travel, staff, or training and development—are becoming the norm. These ongoing waves of cuts often leave executives feeling handcuffed, frustrated,...

The Silent Disconnect — Gender Communication Divide
Sharon, one of my clients and an early-stage leader, was frustrated by her male boss’s lack of effective mentorship. She couldn’t understand why it was so hard to gain substantive guidance. As part of her coaching...

The Career Myth You Need to Unlearn for Leadership Growth
You’ve probably heard it before—Generation X, Millennials, Generation Y, and Generation Z are often skeptical of advice from older generations, especially the Baby Boomers. Well, I’m a Baby Boomer. So, can you put...

4 Steps To Reclaim Your Time
When I ask clients, “What is the most challenging business issue you wish to resolve right now?” invariably, it’s TIME. This issue tops the list more often than any other in my surveys. But here’s...

Four Steps To Get Your Decision-Makers On Board With Ideas
Innovation is more than just a buzzword. It’s a business imperative. IBM Global CEO Studies consistently highlight companies value innovative and creative leaders. They recognize these traits as crucial for success,...

Perception: The Silent Career Killer and How to Outsmart It
Perception is a moving target, with as many interpretations as there are people involved. Let me begin unpacking what I mean. The Summer Illusion Picture this: I’m swinging in the backyard, enjoying the sweet...

Disastrous Career Misperceptions
Let’s get something straight. It may not be your company holding you back. Rather, your belief about how career advancement transpires in companies today may be the real issue. When working with executives, I’m shocked...