Nancy Fredericks

The Thrive Blog

Thrive@Work with Nancy

Don’t Wish Your Career Away

Don’t Wish Your Career Away

  I sometimes fall prey to wishing away chunks of my life. Rarely do I realize that’s what I’m doing at the time, but that is the consequence. This topic came to mind when I grumbled over a particularly tough day,...

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Having A Shambolic Week?

Having A Shambolic Week?

Much of the angst you’re experiencing right now is churning from your brain. With this in mind, I offer five rebounding techniques to turn any shambolic week on its ears.

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Career Alley-Ooops!

Career Alley-Ooops!

Today’s blog emerges from a lazy, rainy afternoon, sunk deep in my comfy chair, reading on a wide variety of topics. The material was mushing together as it drifted into my unconscious, forming and shaping....

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Step-Up For Fulfillment

Step-Up For Fulfillment

Are you aware? Research reveals that the training and development occurring by many companies rarely is designed to help you achieve your desired career—let alone set you up to move into the senior ranks. Yes,...

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Yes! Leadership Is Jagged!

Yes! Leadership Is Jagged!

Wisdom says the teacher learns as much, if not more, than the student. I know I receive “Aha’s,” often the genesis of the blogs and podcasts I create. This truth was evident while celebrating another Leadership...

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Remote Work–In Flux Again!

Remote Work–In Flux Again!

There has always been a debate for and against working remotely in the US business environment, going back way before the pandemic disrupted the rules of what it looks like to be employed. You remember when the...

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What Size Is Your Pot?

What Size Is Your Pot?

As a coach, I hear the disappointment so many executive women experience. It’s frustrating to set yourself in front of your computer every workday, whether from home or in the office, to give your company the best you...

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